«Nueva» alternativa libre a Office /»New» opensource alternative to Office

Siempre estamos a favor de alentar los proyectos de código libre. Ahora, para desvincularse de los intereses empresariales de Sun/Oracle nace una rama del famoso OpenOffice :

LibreOffice: Si consiguen superar los escollos de la compatibilidad con Office (fundamental) tendrás futuro. Les deseamos toda la suerte.
Post obtenido de la Felipedia aquí

English:  We like to encourage opensource projects and have recently discovered this branch from the OpenOffice project. They are trying to separate from the enterprise interests set by Sun/Oracle.
We wish them all the luck and are sure that if they solve the current compatibility issues that OpenOffice has with Office products they’ll be a great free Office suite.
Post obtained from Felipedia here.

3 thoughts on “«Nueva» alternativa libre a Office /»New» opensource alternative to Office

  1. Pingback: Editar pdf sin Acrobar Writer /Edit pdf without Acrobat Writer « Smythsys's Weblog

  2. Pingback: Cómo hacer formularios rellenables en pdf sin Acrobat Professional: LibreOffice | Smythsys's Weblog

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